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How do I install low fence (edging) into the hard soil? The spikes will not go in.

Growing in Experience

How do I install low fence (edging) into the hard soil? The spikes will not go in.

How do I install the spikes of flower fencing barrier into the flower bed edge.  The soil is very hard and spikes will not go in.







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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How do I install low fence (edging) into the hard soil. The spikes will not go in.

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @wongedwoman. It's lovely to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about installing garden edging.


Have you tried giving the area a good soak with the garden hose for 10mins? I'd try that first to see if it softens the ground. If it's still impossibly hard to drive the stakes in, perhaps you might need to create some holes. I'd recommend using something like a Whites 45cm Premium Black Ultrapost that you can drive in with a mini sledgehammer. Once you've created the holes, you should be right to insert the edging into them.


Let me mention @TedBear to see if he has any other solutions.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: How do I install low fence (edging) into the hard soil. The spikes will not go in.

Thank you very much for your response.  I will try soaking the ground as you suggest.  It is raining at the moment so I hope that helps.  Otherwise I will buy the ultrapost.  


Thank you once again.



Re: How do I install low fence (edging) into the hard soil. The spikes will not go in.

Please keep us updated, Pam (@wongedwoman) and reach out again if you need further assistance.




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