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Hi all, I decided this year to try my own vegetable seedlings. I’ve never tried before, so with some trepidation, I thought well, it can’t be that hard, so here’s my results so far!
My biggest learning, the 3 ‘P’s Planning, Patience and Persistence.
I think everyone should have a go! Good luck!
Beetroot in single cells
My success
Germinated seeds
Growing well in trays
Transplanted, 2nd leaves
Hi @Prawns heres an update photo, the plants are ready to go! Seeds sown on 6/3/3 so in all, it’s taken 5 weeks. I’ve given them diluted power feed for the last 2 weeks, to really kick them off. The beetroot seedlings were sown in potting mix, and not grown very well, lesson learned not to do that again! Used the right seed raising mix or even compost only, next time. They onions and leeks are sown and are adapting to the beds well. Now off to plant the brassicas, and water in, no rain here in south Australia, still very very dry! Good luck in your garden.
Beets have just got 2nd leaves
Cauliflowers ready to go
Cabbages ready to go
Brussel sprouts ready
Onions and leeks planted
Leeks and onions
Earlier cauliflowers
BeetrootsHi Jason, finally Rain! The season has broken, but about 4 weeks later than last year. Veggies are grown really well, had a great strike rate with them as well. Hope is all well in your garden. Still looking for some follow up rains. I am going to start tomato seedlings in about 3 weeks time. Brought a cheap greenhouse from Bunnings, so will keep you posted with them too.
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