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Growing broad beans

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Growing broad beans

I brought seed of broad bean from bunnings and i put in the pot.its so healthy and growing well.i transfer in the garden already now.after coupel of days i found like this in the picture like curling leaves.i dont know whether  its growing well or facing a lemon leaves!curl leaves.

I add some pic.havea look.

Many thanks.




Just Starting Out

Re: Growing broad beans


 these broad beans are grown by seed planted directly into the bed around late may. As you can see started off well now the new leaves growing deformed. Definitely not transplant shock. 


 This bed planted in April and doing well.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Growing broad beans

Hi @greg57,


I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue; that must be disappointing.


I'm leaning towards Bean leafroll virus or Clover stunt virus which is transmitted by the Cowpea aphid. The control of aphids early in the season is important to combat spread.


Let me mention one of our gardening experts, @Noelle, for her thoughts.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Growing broad beans

Hi  @greg57 

I'm inclined to agree with Mitchell that it's likely to be a virus causing the distortion in your later planting. Sadly plant viruses are not curable and also they're unlikely to produce decent crops, if any at all, so the best thing to do would be to remove and dispose of all affected plants, sooner rather than later.

It is rather odd that you have two plantings, one that seems quite OK and the other so badly affected. It may have been something seed-borne in the second sowing, perhaps.



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