Making a Splash

Grape tin vertical herb garden

Hi everyone!


I have been away for a long time, but have something I think is exciting to share with you all :smile:


Last weekend I finally got all my bits and pieces and put together my grape tin vertical garden, full of herbs! 


I got these great vintage, rusted grape tins from a Vintage Shop. It was really quick and simple. I used hessian bags, weed mat, potting mix, herbs and tags.  


I had no idea what I was doing (never had a garden of my own), so I consulted a few online tutorials and the man at Bunnings helped me out. I used the hessian bags folded in half purely for astethic reasons. I was told hessian rots easily. To try to reduce the chance of rotting and to keep the potting mix in place I then used a layer of weed matting. That was really all the hard work done! I filled each tin up and planted my herbs and attached these really great copper style tages to each basket. We then attached the baskets to the fence with rusty nails to keep the "rustic" feel. 









We are pretty happy with it and are looking forward to cooking with all our yummy herbs! 

If I could change anything it would be the weed matting. It was hard to cut and frayed really badly. Does anyone have any other suggestions of what to use in a circumstance like this for when we eventually need to repot? All I know is it needed to be porous so the herbs can drain.




Just Starting Out

Re: Grape tin vertical herb garden

Can you buy the grape tins from Bunnings, if so. Where???

Finding My Feet

Re: Grape Tin Vertical Herb Garden

Try peat moss or pCked around the sides or even some bark it will not rot as fast as the bark and wii look a lot better 

Re: Dipping tins

Love your dipping tins @MaryW3121. They look fantastic.


Let me also extend to you, @Paradise@OsmayG and @Dawn12 a very warm welcome to the Workshop community. It's fantastic to have you join us and we look forward to reading more about your projects and plans very soon. Please feel free to post anytime you need a hand or have something to share. 


@Dawn12 - I don't believe you could buy anything like these old Grape tins from Bunnings, but I'm sure members like @kaylah_rose might like to give you some suggestions, such as vintage and antique stores. Where are you based?




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Cultivating a Following

Re: Grape tin vertical herb garden

They look amazing did you get them from here in Perth?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Grape Tin Vertical Herb Garden

Hi @Sunrise.


Let me notify @kaylah_rose for you to see if they can provide some information on the source.


There seem to be a few people selling them online on Gumtree or perhaps you could try some local antique stores in your area.




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Re: Grape tin vertical herb garden

@Dawn12  @Sunrise Sorry for the delay! I didn't see these. 

I got mine from an antique shop in Melbourne 😀


But you can find them on Gumtree, Ebay etc

Some nurseries have them too!


Hope that helps!


Building a Reputation

Re: Dipping tins

They look lovely @MaryW3121 can I ask if you treated them with anything to stop them rusting through?

Building a Reputation

Re: Grape tin vertical herb garden

Just came across this great project @kaylah_rose  and am wondering how your cute planters are faring? I love the vintage, rustic look you’ve achieved. 

Re: Dipping tins

No. They are about 7 yrs old and no sign of rust. I lined them with green mesh stuff that I got from Bunnings. 
Maybe the dipping bins are treated with something before the orchardist treated them in someway before use?? 

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Grape tin vertical herb garden

Ohhhhh I love them !!! @kaylah_rose 🥰🥰

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