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Caterpillars on our edible plant leaves

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Caterpillars on our edible plant leaves

recently there are a lot of caterpillars on our edible plant leaves, so i bought that spray to see if it will work.

did i buy the correct one? or is there any other products that work better?



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Retired Team Member

Re: edible plant insect

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop Community @chengjianer!


I'm so sorry to hear that your garden has been invaded by hungry pests. Thanks for sharing these photos. It make is so much easier for our community members to provide advice. Let me tag @Noelle and @Adam_W who may have some tips for you.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: edible plant insect

Hi @chengjianer 

The spray you have bought will work, but only if it is sprayed directly on to the caterpillars and other pests - it is what is known as a contact insecticide. It needs to make direct contact with the pests.

You may do better with a tomato and vegetable dust, which applies a powder to the leaves of your vegies. When the caterpillars crawl over it or eat sections of leaves with the dust on them, it will kill them. It will also protect against some fungal diseases. Just make sure to wash your vegies in fresh water to remove traces before preparing them for the table.


Workshop Legend

Re: edible plant insect

Hi @chengjianer 
Another very useful one is Dipel, it's a bacteria-based product that only impacts caterpillars

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: edible plant insect

Many thanks for your expert assistance, @Noelle and @Adam_W. Excellent advice, which I trust @chengjianer will appreciate.




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Getting Established

Re: Caterpillars on our edible plant leaves

thanks guys!

seems like the money that i need to spend on those insecticide are more expensive than the actual "products" that i will get from the plants. :smile:

but i do appreciate your info!


Re: Caterpillars on our edible plant leaves

Hi @chengjianer,


@Noelle and @Adam_W provided alternative products, which will also work. To clarify, the Hortico 750ml Insect Killer Ready To Spray Tomatoes And Vegetables will solve your issue. However, you will need to do a few applications and hit the caterpillars with it. Give the plants a good spray down, making sure to get under all the leaves where the caterpillars hide during the day. You might have more success going out at night when the caterpillars are more active.


Please let me know if you have questions.




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Just Starting Out

Re: Caterpillars on our edible plant leaves

The same thing is happening to me?   Thanks for the photos my garden looks the same (Crying)

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Caterpillars on our edible plant leaves

Hello @Gizmo 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's wonderful to have you join us, and thank you for sharing your concern about caterpillars eating your plant leaves.


I understand how you feel, we recently had curl grubs attack our ornamental plants. But I suggest the best thing to do is to keep maintaining your garden. I also recommend applying the insecticide Yates 500g Tomato And Vegetable Dust or Yates 40g Natures Way Caterpillar Killer Dipel Insecticide as suggested by our plant gurus. Perhaps there is still a chance to control the caterpillar infestation and save your plants.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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