The Bunnings Workshop community can help with your home improvement projects.
Day 1 The Intention
Today I have decided to attempt to build a potting bench using the video tutorial from Bunnings website.
I have almost no DIY experience but I can’t find a suitable bench anywhere on line to buy.
These posts are record of my journey.
Hints tips and advice gratefully received, including ‘don’t do it!’
Here we go!
Good for you and all the very best @Andyy. I'm sure you will get nothing but encouragement and helpful advice from the Bunnings Workshop community.
Do you have any specific questions after watching the How-to video? We'd be more than happy to assist with anything you need. Don't be afraid to ask anything - everyone has to start from scratch.
Welcome to the community.
We're here to support you on your journey @Andyy. Sing out if you get stuck or need assistance.
You won't hear "Don't do it from me"! I've got all the faith in the world that you'll get through this project and end up with an amazing looking potting bench.
You might like to read through @Catldoo's discussion about their Potting table project. They followed these exact instructions, and I trust they would be happy to lend a hand as well.
Please keep us updated.
Thanks Mitchell
I appreciate your support and the links to other projects.
Today has not been a good start.
Firstly I attempted to contact my local Bunnings to enquire about ordering the timber and the cutting service. 3 phone calls, 20 minutes on hold and finally ‘you’ll need to come into the store to sort that out.’
I went to my local store. I have never been to the timber section before. I spoke to three people in the timber section who were unable to help and finally a fourth in the cutting section who told me there was a world timber shortage. I was told to go and pick the timber and when I asked where it was. I was told they only had a larger size. I was also told ‘we don’t do more than 8 cuts, you need to make an appointment and we are usually too busy.’ The assistant was not unpleasant but told me ‘we deal with people building houses not backyard projects.’ No one had any knowledge that the DIY project was on the website. When I asked about availability of the correct size I was told to ‘come back on Friday.’ And the cutting appointment? ‘You’ll have to wait and see if we’ve got the timber first.’
I returned home exhausted and frustrated after 90 minutes in the store I am no further forward.
Hi Jason,
Yes a couple of specific questions
1] are the measurements in the cutting list correct? The post from @Catldoo suggests a problem.
2] How does one actually access the cutting service in store?
as this is a Bunnings own project I would have expected staff to be familiar with it and able to assist. My experience today was anything but helpful.
Hello @Andyy
I'm sorry to hear that you did not have a good start with your project. To answer your question, yes, the cutting list is correct. However, @Catldoo modified their design and have decided not to install the wheels. You have the option of not installing them as well or you can also modify your design to suit your needs. An appointment will be necessary if the timber department has to make a large number of cuts. Let me reach out to you through private messaging so I can offer you some assistance.
Hi @Andyy,
I'm glad to hear that with @EricL's assistance, the team at your local Bunnings was able to sort out the timber cutting for you and you've now been able to pick up the materials you need for your project.
I apologise for the hiccup and look forward to seeing this project come together.
Week 2
Good progress but another hurdle.
With all the timber required in my garage (or so I thought) Monday seemed like a good time to begin this project in earnest. I had spent the weekend studying the materials needed and put together a list with aisle and bay numbers ready for a quick trip to Bunnings.
The list was not quite as straight forward as I thought but I’ll leave that feedback for another time.
I’ve never used a nail gun before and in doing so I felt like was letting down my old woodwork teacher. Not a dovetail joint of any kind in this project! So I watched a couple of videos on YouTube and was ready for action.
The frames went together fairly easily but I didn’t feel they were secure using just the nail gun so I added a few screws in the crucial places.
So feeling very pleased with myself, I began to tackle the decking.
Problem number 1, the pre cut boards for the bottom shelf are all too short.
Problem 2 the boards supplied are half the width of the originals so I don’t have enough of them to cover the top shelf and the back.
One would have hoped that using a materials and cutting list supplied with the project, things would be a little more straightforward.
So it’s back to @EricL to find a resolution.
The project remains a work in progress.
Hello @Andyy
Thank you for the update on your Potting Bench. My apologies for the incorrect lengths cut for you. Your bench frame is looking good. I look forward to seeing your table finished and complete.
Hi @Andyy
I've been following your journey with interest and it's great to see the progress you have made. Like you, my husband added screws for a more secure join. He too found that the bottom decking measurements were incorrect. I'm sure the Bunnings Team will find a solution for you. I look forward to seeing your completed project.
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