Kind of a Big Deal

So I am getting a bandsaw

On sale, expectations are not high but time will tell.clean_132_15.jpg

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: So I am getting a bandsaw

Hello @Brad


That looks like a serious piece of machinery. Do you already have any projects lined up for this bandsaw? Any updates you can provide would be much appreciated. 


We look forward to seeing your first project on the bandsaw. 




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Re: So I am getting a bandsaw

So I love my bandsaw.

One of my favourite bits of gear in the shed. Mine is old. I struggled to get mine right - especially when changing over the blades to different sizes (I have a 19mm one for big logs and a 13mm for general cutting.) Tuning a bandsaw was a bit complicated and hard to watch until a friend referred me to this video. Tuning bandsaw - good video  - well worth a look. 


Home Improvement Guru

Re: So I am getting a bandsaw

Have fun Brad - you'll never regret it. 👍


"Tuning bandsaw - good video  - well worth a look"


Rob - a fantastic video! Many thanks for that - I learnt things I haven't been doing with my band-saw for 15 years. 😞

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: So I am getting a bandsaw

For a start I will resaw some live edge blackwood to make some coasters (using epoxy as well so no photos till after christmas)

I want to rough out some cheese boards handles in the future.

Home Improvement Guru

Re: So I am getting a bandsaw

I see the fence.

Does it come with a mitre gauge?

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: So I am getting a bandsaw

No gauge or slot for one, I will make a top to go on that will have a t-track and a way for me to cut circles.

At $160.50 delivered my expectations arn't high' as long as it gets me through till I can afford to get a quality bandsaw.

Home Improvement Guru

Re: So I am getting a bandsaw

Hi Brad.

Just wondering how you got on with your bandsaw.

Any projects to show us?

When I got mine I basically made kids toys - but that time has now well and truly passed.

Now it just gathers cobwebs. I need inspiration.


Cleaning up recently - I found my 'over-armed' battleship...



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