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Hi Everyone just thought i would post some phoyos of my shed its a mess at moment only get to play with it on odd weekends but it getting there slowly
I started with a 6m x 5m shed that was full of junk so got annoyed 1 weekend and threw most of it out
then bought a heap of structural pine and plywood and made a frame the 2 side walls and insulated to help with noise and heat still got the roof and back wall to do
the back wall will be all cupboards floor to ceiling wich am starting on next weekend
started of with triton workcentre 15 years ago but have moved around alot in my life being in the armed forces
so have settled down now and doing what i love best
anyway found that cutting full sheets was painful so made some outriggers for the triton so can do full sheets the thought i need an assembly table to build things on and an out feed table as well so made the bench behind the triton is on lockable wheels but can be moved out if needed
The out feed table has a small area where in can take out an either put in a jigsaw a sander or a small router
my next project was making a mobile drop saw table pictured below
drop saw
well it works well for what i needed at the time
next i needed to a cupboard and small workbech for storing stufff in
have more will post later
sorry for the delay everyone but had a death in the family
anyway some poeple have been asking me for measurements and stuff of the drop saw table so here we go
the photo is of the large drop saw table
have some rough measurements for you
Wings 850mm x 500mm x2
wing arms 500mm x 500mm x 2
Cabinet sides 900mm x 730 mm x2
Shelves 600mm x 730mm x 3
(1shelf is the floor of the unit and 1is for the top of unit and 1 for top of door you can cut another shelf for inside the unit if required)
Back 1000m x900mm
Door 520mm x 615 mm
All measurements are rough
Ok below i have some measurement of a smaller version with drawers
small 3 drawer model
Measurement are a guide only
wings 700 x450
shelves 480x490
sides 900 x 500
Back 900 x500
drawer fronts 150 x520
drawer base 490 x435
Drawer sides 120 x435
drawer backs 490 x120
all these were made out of scrap 12 mm plywood
Thanks i will post some more stuff soon
Great work @Gaz and many thanks for sharing.
Looking forward to seeing all the projects you tackle in your shed in future. It looks like you have terrific skills and experience to share. Please post whenever you have a project or need a hand.
And feel free to let me know if you ever need help getting the most from the site or have feedback about how we can make Workshop more useful to you.
Welcome aboard,
Thanks Jason
Looks like a nice space Gaz, looking forward to more.
Hey @Gaz,
Just curious if you've made any progress in the shed? It would be great to see what you've been up to in the past month.
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