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How can I fix the paved surface of this garage?

Getting Established

How can I fix the paved surface of this garage?

I have a garage with sunken pavers. I'm addressing the root cause, but I also need to fill in under the pavers. I presume I can buy some gravel and sand or something and put it underneath — but what exactly should I fill with?


And secondly, what's a DIY way of lifting the pavers? I could buy a pick or something... the one in the corner looks huge.


Finally, what would you do to clean between the pavers and fill them? I'm thinking of some kind of cement. 


Garage floor.jpg

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How can I fix the paved surface of this garage?

Hi @hoosh,


Many thanks for your question about fixing sunken pavers.


Once the root cause of the issues is fixed, you will have to remove the sunken pavers to redo the paver base.


I would suggest removing the sunken pavers and adding paver bedding sand. This sand should be compacted using a tamper to ensure it is flat and will not compress when a paver is added on top.


Once compacted, return the pavers to their original position, sweep polymeric sand between the pavers and wet down following the manufacturer's instructions. This type of sand has a polymer added that bonds the sand together, locking everything in place.


You might like to check out How To Prepare And Lay a Base For Pavers and How To Lay Pavers for some further guidance.


Let me know if you have any further questions, I am more than happy to help.




Getting Established

Re: How can I fix the paved surface of this garage?


For this big hole in the corner, how should I fill it so it stays filled?

big hole in garage floor.jpeg

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How can I fix the paved surface of this garage?

Hi @hoosh,


Do you know how deep the hole goes?


It looks like there's some considerable erosion that has happened.


Assuming the root cause has been fixed, you could fill it with drainage gravel that has been compacted in layers before applying the paver bedding sand over the top. This would allow any water to drain through it without eroding things further. 


Let me know what you think.




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How can I fix the paved surface of this garage?

What is the root cause that you're addressing @hoosh? That's quite a large amount of subsurface erosion, and I would be concerned that you've had some pipes rupture and carry away the soil beneath the pavers. I recommend removing the pavers in the corner and assessing why they have sunken. You'll then need to fill the hole and the whole area.


Lovely paving, by the way. Do you know how old it is?



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Getting Established

Re: How can I fix the paved surface of this garage?

There's a garage roof drain pipe that's right outside and I think was causing flooding in here. I have to extend it out a bit.


I gathered there was a lot of rain a few years ago. I don't know what might have collapsed underneath. But the house is 80 years old (not sure how hold the paving is), and there are other uneven spots here and there...


Thanks for the tips, will pick up the stuff today.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How can I fix the paved surface of this garage?

Hi @hoosh,


I'd say that pipe was a contributing factor. Any water running over and between the pavers is going to carry away small amounts of the bedding material. Over time, it will slowly start to sink. Due to the age of your house, it has probably happened over a very long time, but there are things you can do to reduce the risk of it reoccurring, mainly rerouting the flow of any rainwater.


It's certainly worth looking at your drainage to ensure your work isn't washed away in the next heavy downpour. Also, make sure to heavily tamp the sand and gravel. The more compaction you can get, the less likely it is to get washed away. 


If you want any advice on the drainage, feel free to post some pictures and ask any questions you have.




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