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Hand made mallet

I was unsatisfied with the size and weight of the woodworking mallet I had (left) so I decided to make a new one. I slightly underestimated how big it would end up. Nicely weighted though, the head is full of tiny lead fishing sinkers for extra oomph



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Hand made mallet

That's certainly an impressive mallet @ksd050! Did you have anything in mind for its use, and would you mind explaining how you got the lead sinkers inside?


Many thanks for sharing as I trust our woodworking members will be interested in seeing your efforts.




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Re: Hand made mallet

Plans for its use is basically everything you use a woodworking mallet for, chiselling, knocking in dowels and bowties, 


As for how the weight was achieved, I basically followed this video, but instead of the head being made up of 3 layers, I used 2 and drilled about 70% through each with a 40mm forstner bit. I cut the slot in both sides for the handle, filled all 4 holes with sinkers and then glued the 2 sides and handle together. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Hand made mallet

Lovely work @ksd050. We have featured it on our Project Gallery. Congratulations on your build.




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