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I am sure I am not the only one here whose workshop furniture is all on castors so that when a storm comes it can all be pushed to one side to allow the long suffering car to get in out of the hail.
The problem with this scenario is when you are in the middle of a large project you just aren't in a position to clear it all up in a hurry, for me that means a mad dash to throw moving blankets over the car.
I have been thinking about building a minimalistic carport but I fear that even that would be subject to council approval the cost of which, alone, would be hard to justify for the, perhaps, 3 or 4 times a year it is necessary, let alone the misery the sadistic swines put one to, LOL I should be too hard on them as in many ways they are very helpful, but when it comes to approvals they are very hard to deal with.
The best I have been able to come up with so far is a sail cloth or similar off the side, or even the front of the garage, I am pretty sure that wouldn't be subject to approval.
Lot's of inventive and outside the box thinking on this site, have you any thoughts for me?
Thanks in advance.
PS Any level of DIY and even cost is permissible as long as I can avoid needing approval.
Hello. As I work in Traffic Control, I find myself often thinking about " mobile hail protection. I'm not able to put together what I envision. But you may have the ability to manufacture something like I'll describe.
I own a Ford Escape. What I envision is a multiple layer of racks stretched tightly with a product like crim safe. These thin racks would be permanently attached to the roof of your vehicle. And at the push of a button. ( Off road) 4 of the tracks could move with an attenuated system.. Forward, Back and a smaller side extention on each side.
The first rack would remain stationary above the roof.
Everything would have to be in the lightest weight possible. But I'd imagine the entire weight for an SUV or similar, could be as little 40kg. Just an estimate. But I know If I could buy a product of that weight or less, that could keep me on on the road and working without having to miss any time off for window or windscreen breaks. That was simple and quick to deploy? I'd be the first one to line up for it.
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