Many thanks for sharing @John44, this looks fantastic.
Let me also extend a very warm welcome to Workshop. It's great to have you join the community. I hope you find plenty of fantastic ideas and information on the site, as well as have some fun.
Let me know if you need a hand getting the most from the site, and please post again soon.
I realy like this will modify your design for my back yard the two end planters I'll make a bit smaller and place a seat where the middle planter sits with arm rests for my cup of tea and biscuts. I shouldn't forget the missus.
Thank you very kindly if you don't mind.
The original design was for smaller garden beds and a bigger seat in the middle (that's what the grass tree is sitting on but it just looked a bit small
Hi @John44,
It's been a while since we saw you on the site. It would be great to see what you've been up to lately.
Just wanted to let you know that this project has been incredibly popular with the Workshop community over the past year, with over 5000 views. Well done!
Hope all is well.
perfect job
another way you could do this is with concrete sleepers slipped down between h beams
I love your raised garden concept John, as I work with our elders in the community i can see this as another option
Thankyou for sharing
Thanks for joining in the discussion. Let us know how you go with your project.
Let me also extend a very warm welcome to Workshop. It's fantastic to have you join the community. I'm looking forward to reading more about your projects and plans. Please feel free to post anytime you need a hand.
I love this and its not only functional it is neat and tidy and uses little space. Thank you so much for sharing
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