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A community garden featuring vegetables and herbs grown in raised garden beds purchased from Bunnings as well as potato box towers constructed from recycled materials.
We started a community vegetable garden in a retirement village in Brooklyn Park, South Australia. We got the raised garden beds and potting soil from Bunnings.
Currently we're growing winter crops, picking radishes and lettuce. We've got a variety of common herbs, too.
It's enjoyed by the residents, who have missed their gardens since moving into village accommodation.
So far, we have planted:
I got a ute load of general garden bed mix, added some cow manure, Dynamic Lifter granules and horse manure from some local stables that I got for free. Once the vegies start to grow, I give liquid fertiliser every three weeks.
The residents help themselves to vegetables that are ready (so far radish and lettuce), and some residents have supplied seeds and fertiliser. We have social committee cash donations to buy more seeds and tools.
I am also trying out a potato box tower to grow potatoes 0.5m high by backfilling soil as the potatoes grow.
The potato box tower is built using site trash and wooden crates. We only bought 6mm threaded rod and nuts. The corners are three pieces bolted top and bottom with the rod, so you leave a gap for the side boards to slide in. The bottom bolt is set just so the first board is held, the top bolt is your adjuster to tighten/loosen as you build up the side boards and add the soil as the potatoes grow. It's the first time I have tried this method.
Once I get to full height, I can then loosen the top bolt, remove the side boards and pull down the soil. Then I can pack it away and use it again next season or leave at one board level and grow some other crop. I looked at a lot of ideas on YouTube and the internet with screwed side panels but thought I would try this way.
Experienced community member Adam has shared this step-by-step guide on How to build a simple raised garden bed, including all the tools and materials you'll need.
Workshop member Bruce used Pine sleepers to frame the raised garden beds in his backyard.
Community member Rufaro used Pine sleepers with Merbau cladding for his Merbau raised garden bed.
Our community members have shared more ideas in 7 ways to build a raised garden bed.
I absolutely love this and it’s even more sustainable with recycled materials. Makes my heart happy. @IDIG What have you guys got growing at the moment in your Community Garden ? 🌿😃🐝
@IDIG I did read your list of plants but wasn’t sure if you added more 😆
I love your poatao box idea! I saw the top of the posts and thought "Whats this?" then I scrolled down!
Brilliant. Ive been growing potatoes in my back garden for the past serveral years but have never really looked after them as I should. The way your slats would go in really makes me think I should give your way a go as one thing I have always failed on was raising the soil level as the potatos grow.
Nice gardening
Spinach , silver beet
Snow peas beetroot
Snow pea tripod
All herbs
Book Choi , celery , Brussel sprouts
Broad beans
12 kg from potato tower
Potato Tower harvested. 12KG From 9 Seed potatoes , pictures show steps of building sides up & adding soil , potatoes keep growing , finished height 45 CM
Good morning @IDIG Thank you so much for sharing an update of your beautiful Community Garden. Your edibles are amazing, they are certainly giving you heaps. That Potato box is the BEST !!!!!! I love it 🌿🐝
Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects