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A front garden transformed with the use of brick tiers and an array of cacti.
This was our first home, and we wanted to add our own curb appeal to it. We both loved the idea of using bricks and cactus. The look that a cactus gives is none short of eye-catching.
We wanted to follow the curve of the driveway to keep with the shape, while adding in multi-level gardens to add a dynamic visual appearance. The varied heights not only create a captivating aesthetic but also allow for better utilisation of space, enhancing the overall functionality of the garden.
By integrating different levels, we could showcase a diverse range of cacti species, create depth and dimension, and offer an engaging experience. Additionally, the tiered design can help with drainage and sunlight exposure, promoting optimal growth conditions for the cacti.
Firstly we dug out all the agapanthus that was there to show what we had to work with.
We then needed to add reinforcement to the neighbour's side of the garden to ensure nothing would fall or move.
We then got into adding the steps to create the tired garden and the base for the garden bed.
Next we got stuck into creating the look we wanted for the gardens, with the bricks that we were able to source off Marketplace.
Once all the hard work was done, we could then add the cacti to the garden to bring it all to life.
Materials used in the project:
Tools used in the project:
Bunnings Workshop member bthederan took a tiered approach with this steep front yard makeover using timber sleepers and granite pavers.
Community member Tim created this garden bed front fence that helped strengthen bonds with the local community.
Get more inspiration for your home from our Top 10 most popular front yard projects.
Afternoon @ADJW24
That looks much tider and a nice smooth trasnistion. I really like how you have strengthened the retaining wall that is between your place and your neighbours. It makes me want to get out in the yard and landscape!
Nice brickwork and have you done brickwork before?
Good morning @ADJW24 How good does that look !!!! I love the way it’s stepped down.
Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects