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Will removing bathroom wall tiles damage the wall?

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Will removing bathroom wall tiles damage the wall?

We need to remove our shower and water damaged underfloor. So we may as well renovate the whole bathroom! I've heard that removing the wall tiles could damage the walls. What's the best way of preventing this or fixing any damage that does occur?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Will removing bathroom wall tiles damage the wall?

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @littlej. It's sensational to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about removing bathroom tiles.


Removing wall tiles can certainly damage the wall sheeting. It's best to assume that the sheeting will be damaged and need replacing, so budget that into your project. In most cases, the tile adhesive is so well adhered that you'll punch holes in the sheeting, trying to get them off. If you are lucky, the tiles will pop off with no damage.


If it's just a couple of holes you create, they could be filled and patched, but if it's any more than a couple, it's likely just easiest to destroy the sheet and then install a new one in its place. You can try using a bolster and placing its edge under the lip of the tile. You should be able to dislodge the tile with a swift and firm blow to the end of the bolster with a hammer. Any levering you do with the bar will crack the sheeting and put holes in it.


Here's a helpful guide on How to remove tiles.


Remember your PPE, including a face mask, gloves and safety glasses.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: Will removing bathroom wall tiles damage the wall?

Thanks so much for your advice. I'll have a go and see what happens. Fingers crossed!

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