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Shower screen installation - bifold or roller door?

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Shower screen installation - bifold or roller door?

I would like to replace my current shower screen.


I was thinking of a bifold or roller type shower screen to due to space constraints - placing a washing machine.




I have read that roller roller type corner shower screen spoil easily and often need repairs. Are bifolds a better choice?



Shower 2.jpg




Thank you

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Shower screen installation

Hi @ongjulian,


I believe either option would likely suit your needs. If you can tell us more about where you'll be placing your washing machine, our helpful members might have some other suggestions. 


In regards to longevity, a screen that runs on rollers is slightly more complicated than doors on hinges, so there is potential that more issues could arise. However, typically, our roller-style shower screens, such as Rick McLean's Bathware 870 x 870mm Euro Corner Entry Shower Screen, are of a premium variety with an exceptional seven-year warranty, so I wouldn't expect you to have any issues with those. I'd suggest if you've found details of roller screens deteriorating quickly, they are most likely referencing more budget units.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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