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Should I repaint or retile?

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Should I repaint or retile?

Looking to renovate our toilet and vanity area but not sure whether to retile professionally or try diy. I'm tempted to attempt diy first to see how far some painting, changing taps, handles and light, and regrouting can take me but not sure it'll be worth the time and effort, especially the tiny floor tiles. Looking for ideas, recommendations, warnings. 





Re: repaint or retile?

That product would be used to re-grout the tiles @Alfandari. Unless there is a significant recess that can be filled, it's not a good idea to grout over existing grout as it can be easily displaced if there is not enough depth for it to bind into. With the paint, you simply colour the old grout. I'd encourage you to give it a go in an inconspicuous area as it's a wonderful improvement for old, discoloured grout.


If there is damage behind the cover plates, then that would need to be repaired and the doors painted in order to reduce the knob size. We do have quite a selection of cabinets knobs, so you might find something to suit that will cover the damage. I'd recommend you take one of your know into your closest store to compare.




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