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How to fix washing machine drain leak?

I have used a clamp to prevent leakage but there is still some leakage. Any suggestions please?


Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to fix washing machine drain leak?

Hi @infyjai 


It  maybe possible the plumbing  was distrurbed and moved a bit and now has a   slight leak else where under there.


Some times you can over tighten plumbing  joins and the washers scrunch up and disfigure.


Your  clamp looks well done up just as a  precaution some times metal clamps  can cut through hoses


I am  not sayin you have done anything  wrong hear just listing possibilities to  help you  out.


Jump  into your cupboard and dry every where all around the plumbing


Now  I use dry Toilet paper as a  water test  wick folded into a ruler shape. To  search for the water leak  source. it will get wet fast once you find the wet plumbing  join and you know  where to  focus repairs.


Start at the top of  your plumbing Where the large grey  pipe meets the white  and work your way down until you  confirm the water  leak source.

If you dont find any water leak  the plumbing may need to run a bit to get the leak working again Now  re test.


Do this test after the repair again too just to be sure you got it.


hope it is an easy fix


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix washing machine drain leak?

Hi @infyjai,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community and thank you for your question.


It's great to see @Jewelleryrescue has already jumped in with some advice.


My thinking is along the same lines that the hose clamp may have been slightly over-tightened, which can cause the rubber to bunch up and have small cavities that water can creep through.


As a troubleshooting effort, I would suggest unscrewing the clamp and moving the hose slightly higher on the spigot. Place it so the rubber tip sits just beyond the lip on the spigot around the width of the hose clamp.


Reattach the hose clamp and tighten it until it is solid, but not so tight that it deforms.


Give this a try and let me know how it goes.




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