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Dream bathroom renovation

Getting Established

Dream bathroom renovation




This is my before and after of my covid bathroom reno. A lot of trades couldn't make it to help get it complete so I took on the challenge.  I'm super proud of how it turned out. 

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Dream bathroom renovation

Good morning and welcome @cbellamy 


"I'm super proud of how it turned out."


Wow! - and so you should be! I'm really impressed with what you created from the bare bones.

May I ask - rough cost?

Was the bath difficult to install?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Dream bathroom renovation

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @cbellamy. It's brilliant to have you join us, and many thanks for sharing this tremendous project.

You've achieved some stellar results there! I trust our members will be really keen to hear all the details on how you completed this project. The steps you took would be of great interest to many.


I'd be keen to know about the cost too. Do you think you saved money doing the work yourself versus hiring trades?


I look forward to hearing more details on this project and about any others you are currently working on around your home.


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Getting Established

Re: Dream bathroom renovation

It was 38k but I did purchase a vanity from reece and changed my mind and ordered the lot from Newcastle joinery. So there was an extra 2k as I still have the other vanity. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Dream bathroom renovation

Hello @cbellamy


I'm truly amazed at the amount of effort you've put into this bathroom renovation. I see that it's a combination bathroom and laundry room as well. What a beautiful combination of the tiles and the EasyVJ panels. Would it be possible for you to post a photo of the laundry side so that we can have a complete picture of what your renovation looks like?


Thank you so much for sharing your dream bathroom renovation.




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Getting Established

Re: Dream bathroom renovation


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