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What tools for removing an existing kitchen?

Growing in Experience

What tools for removing an existing kitchen?



I will soon be having a new kitchen installed and in order to save on the budget, i will be doing the removal of the existing kitchen with my son. This will include removing cabinets, floor tiles, wall tiles, counter tops, splash backs etc.


Apart from the obvious tools like crowbar, hammer, chisel, jigsaw etc.. are there any tools out there which will make the removal process easier while still doing a clean job?


I will obviously be getting plumbers, electricians and gas fitters to safely remove appliances.


Thank you in advance. 


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Removing an existing kitchen

Hello @Jeffersm963 


Thanks for sharing your question about taking your kitchen apart. The only other tool I would suggest is a cordless drill and making sure you wear personal protection such as gloves, goggles and a mask when you start taking things apart.


I always suggest that if some of the cabinetry and benchtop can be saved, I recommend using it as cabinetry for your garage. This is on the condition that they are still solid and usable. Please remember to take your time and be safe when taking the cabinetry apart.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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