Hey @Ross1,
Thanks so much for your feedback. I'm glad you like it.
Unfortunately, I'm just a humble DIYer working on my own home whenever I can fin ...
Hey @JakeP ,
I tried to tag you in a reply I made earlier on the same topic but it didn't work.
Here's some images of the back rest construction. I ...
Your fire pit is amazing. I too have a slope in my garden area and have been struggling with different ideas on what to do. I recently cleared away th ...
Hello @Codey , My partner and I love your design and your craftsmanship. We are looking to recreate your design. Would you be able to share with us th ...
A few months ago I went along to my very first Bunnings Adult DIY (at East Victoria Park, WA) and terrariums were on the agenda! After a brief explana ...
I'm building a one bedroom cabin and wanted something a little different for bathroom vanity and storage. An old Singer treadle sewing machine fit th ...
Hey @Ross1,
Thanks so much for your feedback. I'm glad you like it.
Unfortunately, I'm just a humble DIYer working on my own home whenever I can fin ...
Hey @JakeP ,
I tried to tag you in a reply I made earlier on the same topic but it didn't work.
Here's some images of the back rest construction. I ...
Hey @jane3016,
The name of the cobblestones was 'ES cobble Charcoal 100x100x40mm'.
This is one of the few items I wasn't able to purchase from bunni ...