Hi, There is a constant trickle from the cistern into the bowl. The flushing outlet valve is the problem and needs replacing. Our toilet is an old 9L ...
Recently moved house and attached drain hose to drilled out spigot as shown in pic. Front load washing machine does drain and clothes aren’t sopping w ...
Hi, I’m looking to replace an old toilet cistern in my bathroom and I want to know which model would be best suited for my set up?
Any assistance woul ...
Yesterday I did grout water penetration test:
As shown in PIC 1, the left-side grout was mixed with a 1:1 ratio of water to Dunlop Primer and Additi ...
Hi team. I’ve recently had our square bathroom fan replaced but because of a pole in our roof space we needed to use a smaller fan which was circular. ...
I need to waterproof my shower. I have removed the tiles but being double brick I couldn’t just cut out the plasterboard and start again so the ...
We purchased these taps from Bunnings about 6 months ago. Now the outlet over the tub is dripping. There are no leaks any where, just over the tub. H ...
Old house has little wooden slats to cover joins in the wall. what can I use to seal the gaps and make the wall look flat, instead of adding wooden sl ...
Hi ...I think my laundry sink tap has seen better days
..how do I fix ...do I need to get a whole new tap.. or just the black/brown thing holding it ...
I can hear a dripping sound in my toilet. The sound is coming from the cistern. The water is not leaking into the bowl from the toilet rim. The water ...
Toilet is filling the cistern constantly
and running into the bowl. I am trying to open the cistern lid but cannot undo the flush button. Any help a ...
My toilet keeps leaking water. I noticed the washer/seal was worn out so I replaced it with a new one but the toilet still keeps leaking water.
Other ...
We recently had a plumber repair a leaking pipe in our bathroom. I now want to prepare the wall myself as best I can for the tiler to limit th ...
hi I was wondering if anyone has ever removed rust oleum tub and tile paint from the bath tub and what they used to remove this or what the best metho ...
Hi team, I just had my bathroom wall and floor tiles grouted (about two weeks or so ago). I recently found that the grout came off, not sure how, just ...