Find a good condition container, transport it to my island, get an engineer to design cyclone-proof footings, get a crane to position it, design inter ...
Hi experts, I'm seeking advice on if I could fix cracked roof pointing mortar myself. I found these crack after gutter replacement. I will for sure ta ...
I am painting our entire wooden house (about 40 years old). Some is painted and some is stained. I have already started some sections and have some qu ...
So I've got that DIY itch again and one of the projects on my list is roof ventilation for the summer months, especially with our attic fully operatio ...
Hi community,
We just moved house and found absolutely stunning vintage curtain rods in the garage and we would love to use them.
Trouble is attaching ...
Hello, I have a home that was built in the early 1900's. Rendered brick. The side walls are only single brick & the home gets very cold in winter & ve ...
Our windows are leaking after cyclone Alfred. It looks like the water is getting in through the gaps between the window frame and the architrave. From ...
Hi Very very best, regardless of cost to insulate a skillion roof. Measurements in photos. Is the top timber beam enough for the air gap? I’ve looked ...
I’m installing the front stairs and found the the qld building specs for stringers to be quite confusing
from center of bolt to the center of the o ...