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10 ways to make a side table

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A side table can make a gorgeous addition to a bedroom, living area or patio and is an achievable project even for D.I.Y. beginners.


Get inspiration for your side table build from the creative projects shared by Bunnings Workshop community members. Here are 10 different ways to build a side table. 


1. Timber


Taking Bunnings Workshop member @sammilne less than an hour to build, this D.I.Y. timber side table was made from just three pieces of wood and sealed with Cabot’s Cabothane Clear to showcase its natural beauty. 


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For a more ambitious build, check out the Timber side table with hourglass design by @Super_D.


2. Tiles


Experienced Bunnings Workshop member @lifestylebymari started with inexpensive MDF then created an eye-catching tiled side table by covering the panels with tiles. 




Get more inspiration from the Terrazzo side tables by @lauraahearn, which cost just $66 to make the pair. 


3. Pavers


As an alternative to tiles, @sammilne glued three pavers together for her stylish Travertine side table.


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Get more inspiration from Sam's marble side table, built by simply securing hairpin steel table legs to a marble paver using construction adhesive.


4. Concrete


While striking and on-trend, a concrete tabletop can of course be heavy. Clever Bunnings Workshop member @grounded_design created a concrete-look side table by using a cement-based flooring compound.  




5. Dowel


For her Oak dowel side table, community member @lifestylebymari built the structure using MDF and then covered it in Oak dowels and finished the design with jute rope around the half-circle trim.


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6. Garden pots


Even garden pots can be utilised to create furniture. Bunnings Workshop member @lieselroberts joined two Northcote Pottery resin planters together with Liquid Nails and cut out an MDF round for the top before slathering in grout to create an hourglass-shaped side table.




7. Chopping boards


Ever creative, @sammilne repurposed round chopping boards to create a side table with terrazzo top and covered the base with Tasmanian Oak half-round dowels.




8. Cable spool


Repurposing an old timber cable spool, Bunnings Workshop member @Winnie10 created her dowel and spool coffee table by gluing large half-rounded dowels.


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9. Mosaic


A metal outdoor table was transformed with a striking mosaic top using tiles, grout and silicon adhesive by community member @analister96


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10. Upcycle


Upcycling an existing piece of furniture can breathe new life into it and save it from landfill. For example, community member @diycollection took an old side table sanded back and refreshed it with white chalk paint and white wax


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Get more inspiration for your upcycled table project from @Nham's bedside table makeover and the collection of upcycled furniture for a women's shelter by @jemma11.


How to create a side table


The Bunnings team has shared step-by-step guides to create your own side table with varied designs to suit your decor:






For more inspiration for your home, check out our Top 10 most popular indoor furniture projects.

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