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Help for outdoor home improvement projects
Community Newcomer

a stormwater pipe installed in 69 70 for stormwater got dug out by cowboys and left exposed to the elements. One side you could see the wire mesh righ ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

Hi,I had my roof gutters cleaned by a professional service about a month ago, and they confirmed that all the downpipes were clear. However, after tod ...

Getting Established

Hi, i am wanting to remove some of the old concrete that covers half my backyard to make the lawn area bigger, but im concerned about the risk of rain ...

Just Starting Out
5 replies

Hi, I need to replace my letter box I got home from work today and found the front of my letter box had been ripped off the measurements are roughly W ...

Just Starting Out
17 replies

We are ready to start renovating the outdoor area and want to start with the patio ceiling and potentially clad the brick walls. A clean modern Hampto ...

Community Newcomer
2 replies

I have noticed these cracks on the external walls of house. Not sure how long they have been there. Are they a cause for concern? If so, how do I repa ...

Building a Reputation

Hello I have a older cat who wanders (he is desexed) and would like to keep him safe in the back yard when I'm out. I'd like a budget DIY option if ...

Building a Reputation
5 replies

One of my outdoor taps has started leaking - how do I fix it? Replace a washer or replace the tap?

Just Starting Out
2 replies

How’s it going, We’re building a timber fly over / fixed to wall pergola 5m x 3m. We’ve used H4 100 x 100 treated pine posts for the upright posts (x ...

Having an Impact
3 replies

Wooden Driveway gate. Built this wooden swing driveway gate for privacy and security. Decided on wood so my dog cannot bark at people when they are pa ...

Making a Splash
13 replies fast forward to 0:56: he made it look like so easy but how to get same amount of mortar for diff ...

Just Starting Out
3 replies

I have a metal roofed patio area in the back garden, and I would like to cover up and hide the metal roof. I am thinking to put simple white sheeting ...

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Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects