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How to order replacement hose for Germi pressure washer?

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How to order replacement hose for Germi pressure washer?

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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: 2300W

Hi @Anonyamann,


It looks like you're after assistance with a 12m Pressure Hose with Reel. Is that correct?


Do you own a Gerni 7300 2300W GPW-7300 High Pressure Washer and are looking to replace a damaged hose?


As you will see on the website, this is a replacement part, so they will not be kept in our stores, but our Spare Parts team will certainly be able to assist you with ordering one.


They are covered by a 2-year warranty, so if you have your receipt and it is within this warranty period, you are entitled to a replacement.


Let me know if you'd like any further assistance with this.




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