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How to save dying weeping blossom tree?

Growing in Experience

How to save dying weeping blossom tree?

weeping blossom tree bought 3/4yrs ago replanted in the  winter looking sad come spring sprayed leaves & limbs with seasol washed of 3 days later when leaves/ limbs started to die, now has 2 spots of sap on upper trunk, new leaves dying of b4 they shoot, tiny black spots & leaves are being eaten looks like a white wax peeling of a couple of smaller stems. I think originally I over fertilised it now several problems hole you can help I really don't want to lose it

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: dying tree

Hi @Cher54 

I dont  think fertiliser is the cause here.


Your  cherry tree sounds like it has Cherry  leaf spot a fungal infection.  And this also produces the white wax like fungal spores possibly.


So the  immediate plan of  cure is cut off all the dead and spotty leaves and rake up all the tree matter off the ground and  put it inthe bin.


Use some Anti fungal soluton 

You will need a  plastic sprayer bottle to mix the solution into.


This spray is absorbed  through the leaves and into the whole of the tree like antibiotics  for people.


Water the roots only not wet the branches


Ihope it improves  quickly

Re: dying tree

Thank you can you suggest an anti fungal solution to use & the branches are dying as well will this also help that as well

Re: dying tree

sorry just realised to click on the anti fungal link 

Thank you will get onto it 2 morow

Community Megastar

Re: dying tree

Evening @Cher54 

I always stress when I transplant trees/shrubs. Everything from did I dig the hole wide enough, use fresh soil, what fertilisers I have used all come into play. Right down to the new location you have put the plant in.


Is there a chance of a few photos of the tree? An overall one of the area, one closer to show that sap and one to show the state of the leaves would hel narrow down the issue. Too much fertiliser can also work against you when the plant is under stress.



Growing in Experience

Re: dying tree

will take some photos 2 morow thank you

Growing in Experience

Re: dying tree





Growing in Experience

Re: dying tree

Used new soil, the soil was a bit clay so added  a product  not sure what it was. to improve drainage

Community Megastar

Re: dying tree

Good Evening @Cher54 

Your tree dosnt seem to be super stressed, it may be suffering from shock from being transplanted and a little over enthusiastic feeding :smile: The sap looks like its a reaction from being transplanted and also pruned (I just googled "cherry blossum sap on trunk" to self check :smile: )


The leaves look good, a little burnt/brown on them possibly from the seasol, I cant see any grubs/bugs on the leaves or trunk?


I would be tempted to wait awhile and see how it goes. Think of it this way, after Christmas dinner (seasol) we all feel overstuffed and too well fed. Give the tree a little time and keep an eye on it.


Just saw your mention of clay, how big a hole did you dig for the transplant? It dosnt look like a water damaged issue. And would you recognised what clay breaker you may have used if you walke ddown the bunnings ailse?




Growing in Experience

Re: dying tree

There are small black spots on some leaves &  looks like something has eaten them have trimmed all dead branches of it only half as thick as it was & more dying every day. we transplanted in may when it was dormant

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