This is an update to the stormwater rectification I started in 2021-2022. After last Fridays downpour I thought I would show how the landscaping, Berm ...
I put in some low gabion cages when I re-landscaped my front yard with the intention of putting timber on the top to form some bench seats and also to ...
With all the bucket loads of rain we have had in the past few years and knowing that we will be back in drought again I really wanted to make as much ...
This is the corner of the front retaining wall. I had run out of cheap mesh that I had bought and needed to fix up the corner. I had used the Bunnings ...
This is the second part of my stormwater rectification. Now that the side of the house had been done and I could access it again I needed to redo the ...
After having the gutters replaced, I noticed in the next downpour there didn't seem to be a lot of water coming out of the stormwater pipe at the gutt ...
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