bulldog2000 has earned 6 badges!
First LikeSeptember 2018Earned by 9,290You have received your first like for content that was helpful, insightful or otherwise valuable. Well done!
First TopicAugust 2018Earned by 13,926Hats off for creating your first topic on the community.
Sharing the LoveAugust 2018Earned by 9,526Thanks for liking another community member's content. Awarding likes helps the best content to stand out on the community.
In the PictureAugust 2018Earned by 207Congratulations on your first Gallery post. We hope you continue to keep us in the picture with your projects.
Step OneJune 2018Earned by 60,148Welcome to Workshop. We look forward to chatting with you!
Picture ThisAugust 2018Earned by 11,178A picture tells a thousand words. Thanks for uploading your first image to the community.