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Insulate windows with plastic for winter

Finding My Feet

Insulate windows with plastic for winter

Hi. Keeping the house warm in winter is getting expensive. 

So, I've started to investigate ways of Keeping the house warm with as little expense as possible.

I'm delighted that there are many YouTube videos on this topic.

An idea I like is that of the Window Insulation Kits that are available for interior and exterior (but not available locally, it seems).

I’ve asked about them at hardware shops locally (I live in Beacon Hill, NSW, Australia) but not only do employees in these shops say they do not have them but they also state - rather haughtily without exception - that they have never even heard of them.

This amazes me. Especially as people from around the world are doing it.

So, I’m trying to come up with a way of putting together a temporary (for winter only), clear, safe, and effective window plug frame which I can cover with – believe it or not – “window film” or even just plastic wrap which is often used to cover food.

One such explanatory youtube video is How To Insulate Windows With Plastic For Winter

This “window plug” I suppose would have to have handles to remove it and re-seat it as often as one would like, perhaps daily.


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance.All the windows I want to insulate are like this.Some are larger. All the windows I want to insulate are like this.Some are larger.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Insulate windows with plastic for winter

Hi @JL,


Welcome to Workshop. We're really pleased you could join us and kick off such a great discussion. I'm sure our clever and resourceful members will be keen to provide feedback on the topic. You might also find some helpful tips in this popular discussion - Reducing your power bill.


Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for this important project, and many others to come in future around the house and garden. Please feel free to post anytime you need a hand or have something to share. And please let me know if you ever need help getting the most from the Workshop site, or have any feedback about how we can improve Workshop for you.


Thanks again,




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Finding My Feet

Re: Insulate windows with plastic for winter

Friday 7th June 2019
Hi, Jason
Thanks for this note.
I do have some other topics to post over the coming months. I was quite pleased to discover this arena!
Good luck & Best wishes to all at the workshop.


Former Community Member

Re: Insulate windows with plastic for winter

How do you close the Blinds or walk through the door after Sticky Taping the cling wrap film on the inside?

Becoming a Leader

Re: Insulate windows with plastic for winter

Hi @JL the product in the you tube you linked is in the archived list at Bunnings according to my locals in Tamworth. It is still available online ebay and the likes. I got 4 sets delivered last week to do my inlaws house. Problem is its a set the blind put on for winter and remove next time you want to open the window it is not suited to a window or door still in regular use. One of our friends uses and claims bubble wrap works well. One thing we found that makes a huge difference is sealing the evap air conditioner vents  simple as a piece of cardboard between slats on old ones or wrapping each of the 4 vents with clingwrap for newer ones. Just remember to remove before use in summer.


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