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How to fix cavity slider?

Getting Established

How to fix cavity slider?





Hi there, 

Recently we had new carpet installed in our 20 year old house. The new carpet is thicker than the old and has caused a problem with the cavity slider going into our walk in robe. During the carpet installation, the guys removed the slider to install the carpet. They put the slider back, but now the carpet and the bottom of the door are too close to use without damaging the new carpet. A builder friend came over to help with this problem, but wasn’t able to as he said you need a special type of flat spanner (?) to adjust or remove a cavity slider (He was able to help with another regular swing door that had the same problem). I’ve googled but this spanner doesn’t seem to be an easy thing to buy. 
Does anyone have any ideas about what I should buy? 
Per the photos, the door CAN close but is tighter to the carpet than I like, plus it’s been rehung but not square! 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: help fixing cavity slider

Hello @Shellcam


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's a pleasure to have you join us, and thank you for sharing your question about your cavity sliding door.


It's great to hear that you've got new carpet installed in the house. Since the installation is quite recent, it is technically still under warranty. Since you are not satisfied with the re-installation of the sliding door, I suggest calling your carpet installer and asking them to fix the position of the cavity door. The tradesperson who took your door off should have the tool necessary to fix its height.


However, if the tradesperson has gone to take their holiday break, I recommend visiting your local store and speaking to a team member at the special orders desk. The tool you are after is called a Cowdroy TT346 Adjustment Spanner. I've placed an image below to help the special orders team identify the tool.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.





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Getting Established

Re: help fixing cavity slider

Thank you so much Eric!

Home Improvement Guru

Re: help fixing cavity slider

Good morning ! @Shellcam 


How did you get on with your sliding door?

I was watching an instructional YouTube video and the guy was using an angled spanner.

Did you get @EricL 's spanner? did it work?


A rough Police sketchA rough Police sketch

I had a look at my sliding door - clearly an older design - but I think I still see 'Cowdroy?'


An old Cowdroy?An old Cowdroy?

Getting Established

Re: help fixing cavity slider

Hi Noyade, 


Thanks for your message. I have only just ordered the Cowdroy Adjustment spanner a few days ago (I think I'm the world's slowest renovator). Once that arrives I'll have a go. If I have anything interesting to report I'll update this entry. Interesting re the angled spanner you saw in the YouTube... 

Home Improvement Guru

Re: help fixing cavity slider

Thanks @Shellcam 


I just find it interesting the carpet installers were able to remove the door and return it, without any evidence of removing wood at the door head. Even your builder friend was unable to replicate this feat? If you have no luck with the spanner - maybe as @EricL pointed out above, get the installers to return and rectify the height issue - and if they do, please watch them closely and report back on how they do it! 😉


Getting Established

Re: help fixing cavity slider

Hi Eric, 

I’ve bought the Cowdroy spanner but it doesn’t work at all! It doesn’t fit around any of the nuts in the door. Any other ideas?



Getting Established

Re: help fixing cavity slider

Hi again, they did remove the piece of wood at the head of the door. I still haven’t put it back as I’m trying to sort out the door height/angle. 
Frustratingly I wasn’t home on the day they installed the carpet so didn’t talk to them or see what they were doing. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: help fixing cavity slider

Hi @Shellcam


I'm sorry that the tool did not fit your sliding door mechanism. I've placed an image below to give you an idea of how the door is mounted to the sliding door rollers. You'll notice that on the post that links the door to the rollers, there is a nut right in the middle. This is the locking nut and must be loosened in order for you to swing the door out.


You'll also notice that the steel flange attached to the top of the door has an opening while one side is closed. If you can't see it odds are a bit of timber moulding is blocking the view. There is no need to remove both sides if the door swings out towards you. You'll get a better idea once you see the image below. 


Please have a good look and if have any questions about its disassembly, please let me know.





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