Updating your flooring is a great way to dramatically transform your home, make it more functional and even add value to your house.
Bunnings Workshop members have shared many terrific floor revamp projects. Below are some examples for inspiration. Let us know if you need a hand with your own flooring project.
Adhesive vinyl flooring is durable and easy to install. Rufaro (@diy_hausdesigns) laid Gerflor Senso Natural Lord planks over tiles in his home.
The Bunnings article How to choose the right type of flooring contains more flooring options to suit your style and home.
Mark (@maknilsin) revamped his garage floor by applying protective epoxy. The epoxy floor resists oil stains and is easy to wipe clean.
Don't miss the guide How to apply epoxy to a garage floor by experienced Workshop member Jess (@prettyliving) for step-by-step instructions.
Community member @RAW created a practical and attractive new lounge room floor by installing Smart Home Products waterproof hybrid planks.
For those interested in vinyl plank flooring, check out How to lay vinyl plank flooring by the Bunnings team.
While renovating her ensuite bathroom, Aletheia (@homeinmelbourne) replaced her dated cream tiles with grey large-format floor tiles, making the space look brighter.
The Bunnings guide How to lay floor tiles is useful for anyone about to embark on a tiling project.
Community member @Marj2Homer gave their old timber floor a big facelift by sanding it down. A walnut stain finished the look.
The Bunnings team shares handy tips on sanding timber floors in How to sand timber floors.
Revamped floors can make a huge difference to any home. The Bunnings team has shared many articles on how to update your flooring, including step-by-step installation guides.
The Bunnings Workshop community can assist with more inspiration and advice for revamping your floors. Don’t hesitate to start a discussion and tell us what you would like to achieve. We’re here to help.
You must be a registered Workshop community member to comment. Please join Workshop or sign in to join in the discussion.
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