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how to repair cracked drive way

Just Starting Out

how to repair cracked drive way


Hi guys,

I am wondering how to repair this cracked drive way ?








many thanks  

Community Megastar

Re: how to repair cracked drive way

Good Afternoon @maxmonique 

A warm welcome to the Bunnings community page :smile: Its a good place to wander through and get ideas on similiar issues.


A couple of questions to start.

Is this the only damaged area on the driveway?

Do you know what is under that stone? 

I am hopping its concrete under the stone facing. Just because its a lot easier to repair. 

If its sitting on top of a concrete slab then firstly remove all the loose sands, grout and rocks. Then mix up some Australian Builders 20kg Mortar Mix 

and wet the back of the paving stonework first, the concrete base and then put some mortar on the concrete slab (not a lot) and push down the stone so its level with the surrounding stones. The grout that has been used looks a lot like the mortar. I would also check the colouring of the mortar to match as close as you can. The example I gave is just for a mortar :smile:


If its not a concrete base then can we have a further back photo to determine what weight it will be carrying. If its a path then it can change the base, it just depends. 



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: how to repair cracked drive way

Hello @maxmonique 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about your driveway.


It's great that you've received excellent advice from @Dave-1. I totally agree with the recommendations made, if it is concrete, give the surface a really good clean and remove all the small loose pieces of concrete and debris. Using mortar should be sufficient to repair that loose piece, my best advice is to give the mortar enough time to cure properly before you start using the driveway. 


However, please let us know if the base is not concrete and we'll make further suggestions on what you can use to repair the surface.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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