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How to seal tiles for outdoor patio protection?

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How to seal tiles for outdoor patio protection?

I have a new outdoor covered patio which has been tiled. I need to seal the tiles what do I use. Is it Paving & Concrete Sealer or Slate and Stone Sealer.



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to seal tiles for outdoor patio protection?

Hello @bizza, 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's marvellous to have you join us, and thank you for sharing your question about sealing your patio.


In order for us to make a proper recommendation can you please tell us a bit about the tile that's been used? Is it a flat matt finish that feels rough or is it a glossy finish? Did you purchase it from a Bunnings store? If you did, can you please tell us the exact name of the tile? 


I suggest doing a water porosity test, put a few drops of water on the tile and see if it absorbs the water. If it pools together then this tile has a manufactured seal on it. However, if it does get absorbed, it means that it's not sealed and will need to be covered with a sealer.


Any other information you can share about the tile would be very much appreciated.




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