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Merbau slat fence with aluminium posts

Just Starting Out

Merbau slat fence with aluminium posts

I'm looking at replacing an existing fence on a concrete retaining wall with a horizontal slat fence using flanged aluminium posts and Merbau slats. Any suggestions and/or advice would be appreciated.



The basic design would be something like in the photo but I don't plan on using any type of prefabricated fence panels or associated hardware.


A complicating factor is the proposed fence line includes a couple of obtuse angles.


I was thinking of using either timber batons or lengths of aluminium angle screwed to the posts. The slats would then be screwed/nailed to the timber or aluminium angle.


For the angles, depending on the choice of timber or aluminium, I could either rip the timber batons at an angle or else have the aluminium bent to the required angle.



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Merbau slat fence with aluminium posts

Hello @jrcollins


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's brilliant to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about building a Merbau slat fence.


Your proposed assembly plans are all very sound. Would it be possible for you to post a photo of the area where you plan on installing the fence? I take it that aside from being on an angle they are on a slope as well? Once our members see the area, they can then assess its suitability. We can then make recommendations on how to best mount your Merbau panels.


We look forward to seeing the photos.




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