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Need ideas for front garden

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Need ideas for front garden

Hello everyone,


Back to tackle my 2nd project.


We currently have the below. 


I have 


I have since put pavers on the right side of the image for our bins and have now ripped up the grass part to put something else in.




We were going to transfer the pebbles from the front footpath to this one (as we will be putting travertine steps/stairs up towards the door) and keep it low maintenance but since our neighbour has a garden bed, the roses and other matters just go on top of the pebbles/mixed in and in my opinion makes it look unkempt.


I thought about putting bark and succulents but may be the same scenario.


Any ideas?

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Ideas for front side part.


Hi  @toffeeapple You are on the right track exploring your options as you  are. 


Its  hard to advise you or suggest off the cuff as  we dont  know your underlying gardening goals. It sounds like you like uncomplicated clean and  tidy with a  dash of low maintenace.


So  that basically might suggest a formal style  garden frontage Look at images of castle grounds big mansions etc  that may help inspire you at the same time look at what sort and style  of plants they use.


It  it helps try find a  style you  can  use as a guide that way it all ties in rather  than   this   obscure  example eg  palm  trees mixed with conifers , Basically tropical  meets formal  result would  look strange maybe.


You will find  what you need  :smile:



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Ideas for front side part.

Hi @toffeeapple 


If you area after low maintenance, then using bark would be the answer, but if you include succulents, I propose using them by themselves as they give off an incredible amount of colour. The bark would just be in the way, and since succulents are hardy plants, you don't have to water them too often.  


Let me call on our experienced member @mich1972 for their recommendations.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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Re: Need ideas for front garden

Whatever you choose to plant, my advice would be to make sure you also use plenty of mulch to keep the weeds at bay. 


I certainly love succulents and they are a low maintenance option.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Need ideas for front garden

Good morning @toffeeapple Because it’s a narrow driveway strip with low maintenance, I personally would fill it with a mix of different Succulents for sure ! Succulents will give you different colours, shapes and textures. They are definitely Waterwise, easy to care for and will make a great feature. 
Good luck with what you decide and keep in touch 🌿😀🌿

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