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How to use EasyDRAIN Pit Boss Connector in a rainwater pit installation?

Growing in Experience

How to use EasyDRAIN Pit Boss Connector in a rainwater pit installation?

Hey guys, I am doing a small rainwater pit install and I had a few questions about using Everhard EasyDRAIN Pit Boss Connector

I have a pit case and some dwv pipe

My first question is whether I slide the connector from inside of pit case to out, or from outside in? I would have surely thought outside in (otherwise it would be very hard to get the screws in from inside the case), but there is a comment on the pit connector page that I think states otherwise. Just wanted to confirm.

My second question is how do I best secure the dwv pipe to the connector? It slides in nicely, but how does it stay there? Solvent cement?

Thanks as always!


Re: EasyDRAIN Pit Boss Connector correct usage

Hey @MitchellMc,


I ended up going with your suggestion but took a bit more than a little slot but still have a strong connection. I could have taken the whole rim off since I’m using a 100m pipe but this drains quite well.


I thought I’d leave few pictures here  if somebody runs into the same issue:



I could have gone a bit lower but was worried about going too low. Thinking about it now I would probably drill a small hole at the very bottom from the inside first and then make a hole for the pipe from the outside using that as the bottom edge if I did it again. Oh well… next time


Still drains quite well. I can live with this much water left in the pit :wink:


Anyways thanks for your help!


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: EasyDRAIN Pit Boss Connector correct usage

Hello @tom138 


Thank you very much for that update. Your pipe connection looks good. My best advice is to make sure to put a generous amount of adhesive on both the connector and the PVC pipe. 


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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