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How to replace my bricked in letter box?

Just Starting Out

How to replace my bricked in letter box?

Hi, I need to replace my letter box I got home from work today and found the front of my letter box had been ripped off the measurements are roughly W 260mm x H 165mm x  L 355mm just need some advice if there is a product that can fit in the hole.

Regards Rhys



Just Starting Out

Re: replacing my bricked in letter box

Not sure how to start a private message still very new here 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: replacing my bricked in letter box

Hi @rhys1,


Have a look at the Help section of Workshop for some guidance.


Here are the relevant steps.


To send a private message:

  1. Sign in to the community.
  2. Click on your username on the top navigation bar and select Private Messages.
  3. Click New Message.
  4. Enter the recipient's name in the Send to area.
  5. Enter the subject for the message in the Message Subject area.
  6. Type the note in the Message Body editor.
  7. Click Send Message.
    You can look for the messages you've sent in the Sent tab of the private messenger.

Let me know if you run into any issues.



Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to replace my bricked in letter box?

Hi @rhys1 , it’s good to see that @Noyade is helping you.

i found this in the Bunnings website that might also help.

Home Improvement Guru

Re: How to replace my bricked in letter box?

Afternoon @rhys1 


@JoeAzza has provided a link to a letterbox front which I did see earlier today whilst googling - it's 235 mm wide. If your 260 mm dimension is accurate - then too small?


Below is the 'solution' I have. Don't be put off by the steel appearance - I can grind and burnish it after welding.

The big question is - how big a letter opening do you want? Below is 30 mm and I'm assuming the letter opening needs to be located high on the plate.

The other question is - do you want to drill the anchor holes? I'm not sure by your photo where the brick 'meat' is and the mortar is.

Let me know what you think.



Ned Kelly would be proud...



Just Starting Out

Re: How to replace my bricked in letter box?

I measured 260mm inside the cavity from brick to brick to the other side not sure how thick the bricks are, I will probably have to drill the anchor holes myself and try to work out how much meat is on eather side. 30mm looks good.

Thanks again.

Regards Rhys 

Home Improvement Guru

Re: How to replace my bricked in letter box?

OK - thanks @rhys1 


I'll probably weld this up on Sunday - and I'll show you how it looks.

The plate is 5 mm thick.

Please feel free to say yes or no to the finished product.

I'll post photos here.

@JacobZ has kindly provided your address by the personal message route.






Just Starting Out

no option to send a private message



 ive tried to follow the instructions to send a private message but I don't have the option to click on to private message? As you can see in the picture 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: no option to send a private message

Hi @rhys1,


Apologies for that; private messaging is limited for new users to prevent spam. 


I had assumed that due to your contributions to the community, it would have been activated on your profile.


I have now added this functionality to your account.




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