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How to repair a crack in pebblecrete driveway?

Just Starting Out

How to repair a crack in pebblecrete driveway?


I would like to fix the crack in my driveway at home and would appreciate some advice. I want to repair it while matching the surrounding colour. Can you please provide some guidance on how to proceed?

Thank you.






Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to repair a crack in pebblecrete driveway?

Hello @dannymel 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's marvellous to have you join us and thank you for sharing your question about repairing the cracks in your driveway.


I suggest having a look at Selleys 415g Brick And Concrete Sealant, unfortunately, it will be very difficult to find an exact colour match to your pebblecrete driveway. In order to fill the gap, I suggest cleaning it first with a stiff bristle brush making sure to remove all the dirt and debris stuck in the crack.


Once it is totally clean, cut a small 45 degree opening on the nozzle of the concrete sealant. Using a silicone dispenser run the sealant along the crack and do a short distance. Wearing a disposable glove run your finger over the gap to make sure that the adhesive goes down into the crack. Use a clean rag to wipe off any excess adhesive that goes on the pebblecrete.


It's better to do short distances so that you won't spread too much of the adhesive to the sides. Your goal is to fill only the gap and not to spread it around the area.


Please make sure to wear personal protection such as gloves, goggles and a mask when applying the sealant.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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