Growing in Experience

How to pump mud out of a hole?

Me again. I had an issue with water getting into my post holes and filling up. I was recommended using a submersible pump, which worked fine to remove the water, however something i didn't account for was the approximately 600mm of very sloppy mud that found its way into the holes.


The holes are 450x1500 deep, and using a post hole shovel is next to useless as the mud has the consistency of melted ice cream. A friend of mine has a 60 litre vacuum separator tank that he said i could borrow,  i just need to supply my own vacuum. Unfortunately our dyson will not be allowed to assist me in this job, so i need to buy a shop vac that will have the suction power to suck the mud into the separator.


What would be a good shop vac for the job?


Thanks in advance 

Community Megastar

Re: How to pump mud out of a hole?

Evening @Nittus 

Clay is a pain, I dont know of any vacs that will suck up that density (havnt tried I admit :smile: but have looked at the specs of them as wanted one for work.

Hard yakka is about all I can suggest 😕 maybe do the amount of holes you can concrete in a day and leave the others until you have time?



Growing in Experience

Re: How to pump mud out of a hole?

I ended up stirring up the mud with a shovel and dropping the submersible pump in before it could settle, i pumped out a heap of water and just used my post hole shovel to grab the rest. I need to repeat this 7 times, but I'm concreting in the posts as i go. Filled a wheelbarrow with slop.



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to pump mud out of a hole?

Hi @Nittus,


That sounds like a good technique to speed up the process.


I feel your pain as I've had to clean out many post and pier holes in my time.


I hope the technique continues to work for the remaining holes.


Good luck.




Community Megastar

Re: How to pump mud out of a hole?

Morning @Nittus 

Cheering! and wise filling with concrete as you went :smile: 



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