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How to build barrier between Colorbond fence and patio post to keep cat in?

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How to build barrier between Colorbond fence and patio post to keep cat in?



I have a older cat who wanders (he is desexed) and would like to keep him safe in the back yard when I'm out. I'd like a budget DIY option if possible. The barrier would be around 3 M long, from the washing line post to the rear patio post, which would be on a slant, but I'm not concerned about what it looks like. There would need to be a latch or some way I can come and go. There's colorbond fence all around the house and at the moment he jumps over the front fence at the side (first photo), so I'd like to set up a barrier at the side / rear that I can rig up myself from materials I can carry home in my small car (Picanto). 


Any suggestions welcome. Thank you.


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Barrier between colorbond fence and patio post to keep cat in

Hi @LorenClayton,


Does the fence need to allow human access? If not, then it would be possible to add a wire cable between the posts at 1.7m and tension it with a turnbuckle. You can then use screen fencing across the span, attaching it to the wire with netting clips or cable ties.


For the bottom, it can be secured into your soil with tent pegs using the wire on the fence, or you could run another length of wire cable and attach as above.


Be sure to use cable ties to attach the sides to the posts so there are no gaps there.


It might be a stretch getting the 1.8m long screen fencing in your Picanto, but we do offer a convenient delivery service to get your goods home.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: Barrier between colorbond fence and patio post to keep cat in

Thank you MitchellMc, that's a great idea. Yes, it has to allow human access for my mower and sometimes wheelbarrow etc to the front yard. I'm wondering if I really need the bamboo fence and whether just mesh and star picket fence posts or timber posts would work. Could you recommend some materials if that's viable please?



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