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How to add external cladding to brick?

Just Starting Out

How to add external cladding to brick?

We are ready to start renovating the outdoor area and want to start with the patio ceiling and potentially clad the brick walls. 
A clean modern Hamptons look is what we after so ideally a broad cladding that we can then paint white. 
We have no idea where to start with the project. Do you have to pull the old ceiling down or can you clad over the top? 
Is this a DIY friendly project? We are not totally hopeless but far from expert.

Any advice is welcome….


Some pics of the area & also a couple of inspiration pics but would rather have a flat broader cladding on the bricks. 





Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to add external cladding to brick?

Hi @Lynne69,


Allow me to tag @Nailbag so he is notified of your question.


It shouldn't make a difference if they are glued on. You may just need to use your pry bar to gently open the gap, then use a utility knife to cut the adhesive. It is fairly likely that you won't need to cut the adhesive though.


Just remember to wear gloves, long protective clothing and eye protection as there is always the risk of lacerations when working with knives.


Let me know if you have any further questions.




Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to add external cladding to brick?

Hi @Lynne69 


You won't be able to nail the new cover strips on if whats securing the sheeting is metal. Son the new would also need to be glued.


As an alternative and might look better and definitely easier and cheaper would be to simply fill the joins with a flexible gap sealer. Just apply and square it off with a spatula. This can then be painted over when art if you paint the sheets.





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