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How can I enclose my veranda for a catio please?

Getting Established

How can I enclose my veranda for a catio please?


Can I please have some advice regarding enclosing my veranda to make a catio? I have never done anything like it before. I was thinking about using pet mesh and securing it using H3 treated pine cut to fit along each metal post and railing (for added security and so I can attach shelves for my cats to sit on in the future). I'm not sure what screws I should use or if I should use brackets maybe? Although my veranda is enclosed, whenever it rains it does get very wet, should I coat the treated pine in something extra? I would also appreciate advice on how to add a secure door, so my cats can have 24/7 access while still being safe at night etc. My entry is very wide so I was thinking about adding a thick piece of wood from roof to floor a little further than the railing for a secure door entry. Do you have any advice for me?

Thank you! 




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How can I enclose my veranda for a catio please?

Hi @Tia98,


Thank you for your question about installing a cat friendly patio and welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it's fantastic to have you with us.


You could line the openings between the posts and rails with 70x35 H3 pine attached with Zenith 10G x 50mm Galvanised Countersunk Head Metal Screws. Once framed out, you could then attach Cyclone Pet Mesh™ Flyscreen to the timber using a Trojan 3 In 1 Heavy Duty Staple Gun Set


The door sounds like it might be the biggest challenge. Can you advise whether you want the door to be for cats only or humans as well? 


If it was for cats only, you could install some framing using the same method as above, and then attach some marine plywood to the frame then install a Hakuna Pets Medium White Super Tough Pet Door into the plywood so your cats can have access.


If you want the door to be accessible for both cats and humans, you may need to consider installing a proper stud wall, a door and then installing the cat door into the door.


Any other thoughts on how to best tackle this one @Dave-1, @Noyade, @Nailbag?  


Let me know if you have any further questions that I can assist with.




Community Megastar

Re: How can I enclose my veranda for a catio please?

Good Afternoon @Tia98 

Nice idea, and kind of have a solution tho you will need to install a screen door for the enclosed area. The posts you have for the deck area are steel? 

I was going to suggest to bolt some timber framing top and bottom of the posts horizzontaly and then either some new vertical studs as well spaced apart the distance of this mesh Jack 90cm x 5m x 12mm x 12mm Aviary Mesh Well so the mesh over laps on the posts, or you could stitch the mesh up where it over laps if you didnt want the posts. The extra posts would also give you somewhere solid you could attach cat benches to as well.


You would need to fram up a door openening for the enclosue so its secure and either keep an eyte on the cats as I am sure they will want to scoot through. or if you wanted it really secure you could go for the double door lock set of doors a meter and a half apart so you can open one, close it and then open the second :smile: May become a pain in the neck to go through tho.


What is your back door made of? I am thinking of your request for a secure doorway for them and if it could be within the existing door or beside it depending on the make up of you wall.


I would also like to say a friendly hello :smile: and a warm welcome to the Bunnings community :smile: Its a good place to have a wander through for ideas like this for sure!



Getting Established

Re: How can I enclose my veranda for a catio please?

Hey Jacob! Thank you so much! The links for the items are super helpful!

The door will be for humans only. Thankfully I've already got the hang of making sure the kitties don't run out when I leave the house , they are quite well behaved and do move when I repeat "excuse me" a few times 🤣. The door will definitely be the hardest part of this project. Thank you for all your help!

Getting Established

Re: How can I enclose my veranda for a catio please?

Hey Dave! Yes the posts are steel. Oh cool, I hadn't thought of doing it like that, thank you! 

I should have been more specific and mentioned that I'm wanting security incase of a burglar or something leaving my catio open and letting my cats out 😅. My cats are sneaky but do move away from the door for me when asked a few times.

My only house entry is via the veranda and through the sliding doors (glass and screen) so I figured I could get a pretty basic pet door for that.

Hello and thank you for the welcome, and thank you for all your help! 

Community Megastar

Re: How can I enclose my veranda for a catio please?

Evening @Tia98 

:smile: Well security wise you could upgrade the mesh to a 2.4m by 3m 50mm by 50mm square 4mm gal mesh (I am going to be buying some from a local steel supplier) and nothing is getting through that, burgulars included :smile: tho exiting in case of fire is something to factor in. 



Getting Established

Re: How can I enclose my veranda for a catio please?

Oh thank you so much! I will look into that now

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How can I enclose my veranda for a catio please?

Hi @Tia98,


With additional security in mind, I have a few other recommendations. 


It sounds like you might benefit from a look at How To Build a Stud Wall and How To Hang a Door. This will likely be the solution to adding a secure door at the entryway. 


You can make this wall out of the 70x35 H3 pine I mentioned earlier and attach wire mesh in a thickness of your choosing using RapidFence Roll Top Wire Mesh Fence U Clips And Teck Screws to attach it.


Let me know if you require further assistance, I'm more than happy to help.




Getting Established

Re: How can I enclose my veranda for a catio please?

Oh thank you so much Jacob, they are exactly what I was thinking of, I had no idea where to start with google though. Legend!

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How can I enclose my veranda for a catio please?

Hi @Tia98,


Keep us posted, there are always people here who can help.




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