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How To Lay Travertine Pavers

Getting Established

How To Lay Travertine Pavers

Hi there,

looking at laying some travertine pavers on our concrete slab patio. I’ve heard differing opinions on what to use for this. 
1) should I use a mortar mix as its natural stone?

2) use a thin set mortar mix (I’m not even sure what this is)

3) Some kind of tile adhesive?


my other question was should I seal the whole tile front and back, that’s something I’ve seen people talk about with varying opinions. 

thanks ☺️ 


Community Megastar

Re: How To Lay Travertine Pavers

Good Evening @bow2021 

That would really add pop to your area :smile:

I would be using a mortar mix to lay the stones, Mainly to create a level bed and something for the stones to bond to. What actual size are you going for? Thinner mortar... yeah I am a little puzzled over that one as well, maybe a softer mix so it spreads easily? I would stick to the recomendaded ratios tho.


Tile adheasive I would also give a miss, If you ever want to change out the traveltine pavers then mortar would be much more forgiving.


Does your concrete slab slope towards a particular spot or have drainage in it? Something to work with when laying the pavers.


Let me tag a few others as they will definently have more knowledge on this subject then myself :smile: @Nailbag , @JacobZ and @TedBear 



Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How To Lay Travertine Pavers

Hi @bow2021 


Travertine tiles need to be sealed on the bottom and sides during the laying process, then sealed on the top on completion. 

Laying them on a cement and sand mix is typically what’s used after the slab has been fully cleaned of any debris. 


Getting Established

Re: How To Lay Travertine Pavers

Thank you. Yes there is a slight slope running away evenly from the house and there are 2 storm water risers. The water doesn’t run towards them though as I kept them mainly for being able to inspect the drains themselves when needed. Probably will add skimmer lids or a tiled drain cover. 

the pavers are 610 x 406mm and only 12mm thick (was alot more for the 30mm thick)


Getting Established

Re: How To Lay Travertine Pavers

Thank you. This is really helpful. Can I ask how thick the mortar bed should be? I’m assuming not too wet either if it’s holding the pavers weight.

Community Megastar

Re: How To Lay Travertine Pavers

Morning @bow2021 

I will tag @MitchellMc in as I am sure he knows how thick the mortar should be. :smile:



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How To Lay Travertine Pavers

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @bow2021. It's sensational to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about laying pavers.

It's great to see you've already received assistance from our members.


It's best to speak with the supplier on their recommended installation method. If these were pavers purchased through us I'd be more than happy to contact the supplier for you.


When laying thicker pavers (30mm) on a non-rigid substrate such as compacted soil or roadbase, you would use a mortar/sand and cement bed. For thinner pavers on a rigid substrate like a concrete slab, I'd be inclined to think a tile adhesive would be more suitable. You also have expansion gaps in your concrete slabs, so you'll need to include those in your pavers over those areas; otherwise, the pavers or grout will crack.


At 12mm thick, they are essentially tiles, so if the concrete slabs are relatively flat, I think gluing them to it with adhesive would be the way to go. However, laying them on a bed of sand and cement or mortar would probably be fine; it's just that we typically reserve bedding for pavers, which are thicker.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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