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D.I.Y. paling fence

Kind of a Big Deal

D.I.Y. paling fence

Good afternoon Workshop Community Friends. Happy New Year to you all !!!


House 1994

Part of our backyard Paling fence was rotting and warped due to termite damage years ago that we had treated but we didn’t have the time to replace it.Finally we made time to do it and our Neighbour kindly helped us as we helped them with their Paling fence. It was only one section that was the worst, eventually down the road we will replace the rest of the fence which is a little warped but fine . The section of fence is behind our Shed and lately we have had a few unwelcome visitors jumping the fence and running through our backyard. So we made the fence taller put them off. We did it in a day and started early in the morning before the heat set in. 
We had all of the materials needed and layed out ready to go the day before. We also had the tools layed out in the shed ready to go, along with a good extension chord to run from the shed to the back fence for the drop saw to cut all the timber and a trestle table set up as well. Seriously, have a couple of mini trestle tables on hand when you are doing a DIY project, it makes it so much easier to keep everything organised if that makes sense. 
It was a messy project but well worth doing it yourself. I hope this project will help you if you have the same fence as us. 😊






Treated Pine Paling Fence CCA 150 x 17mm 2.4mts 55 pieces 

Structural Pine Treated 90 x 45mm 2.4mts  9 pieces 


Galvanised 10mm x 60mm bolts nuts and washers 


Blue metal 20kg 11 bags 


Concrete liner and old engine oil 




Step 1





 We pulled down the old paling fence , being extremely careful with the nails sticking out. We wore gloves BUT super careful with the old timber. We took it to our local Recycling Waste Centre . 

Step 2



Not sure if you can see at the base but we had to remove heaps of sand the the local Council had put there when they put a new footpath in. The sand cover the base of the fence and because it was wet all the time the termites moved in and caused havoc, so we had to get that sorted out. We put in new timber attached to the posts for the boards. The cross beams were bolted in.  

Step 3





 The planks were spaced out just enough so they could be overlapping each other. I’m sorry but I didn’t get a spacing size. The guys just used an off cut plank that was trimmed down to use as a spacer. 

Step 4



 Once the first layer of planks were attached, the second layer of planks was added. We were very lucky our neighbour had a nail gun, just made it so much easier to work with. 

Step 5



 We just replaced the old Colorbond capping and teck screwed it on. 
Now look closely at the gap at the bottom of the fence, we sorted that out too so it isn’t a safety hazard. 

Step 6



 I painted the base of the fence with old engine oil to protect it. 

Step 7





 We placed concrete film into the gap and back filled it with blue metal and cut off the excess film sticking out. 

Step 8



 Replaced the capping. 

Step 9





 Just to show you how much better it looks now against the existing fence. We will get to that soon. We are so grateful to our neighbour for helping us and we are very grateful. We always help each other out. So between the three of us it took approximately 5 hours to complete. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: D.I.Y. paling fence

Hi @mich1972 


My first thought about the oil in the bucket "could it be motor oil?" It immediately reminded me of my grandfather who always used what was on hand. The fence looks fantastic and I'm glad you got to recycle the fence cap. 


Thank you for sharing such an awesome project.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: D.I.Y. paling fence

Hi @EricL , yes it is used motor oil ( hubby is a diesel mechanic ) I only applied it to the base of the fence to protect it. I had no idea it is an old remedy. The capping is faded and bent out of shape in some spots but it was still ok to reuse it 😃 thank you 

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