I have noticed these cracks on the external walls of house. Not sure how long they have been there. Are they a cause for concern? If so, how do I repair them or make them less noticeable?
Hello @yixie
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about the cracks in your brick wall.
It appears that a fair amount of settling has occurred, and your brick wall is starting to split apart. Although it is difficult to say how long this has been happening, the split appears to be getting a bit serious. If you look around the base of your brick wall you might be able to ascertain if water settles at base of your wall. If you don't find any evidence of water, it's possible that it may be underground.
Looking at your picture, you can do a temporary repair by using Selleys 440g No More Gaps Bricks and Mortar Gap Filler - Terracotta or you can engage the services of a builder to determine if the crack in your brick wall is something that should be addressed as soon as possible.
Let me call on our experienced members @Nailbag and @Dave-1 for their recommendations.
Good Evening @yixie
I agree with @EricL that the walls foundations have potentially settled. I would get a builder or a couple of builders to come out to give you their opinion/quotes on repairing it if necassary. I have one of my neighbours with a similar crack (although a lot larger) and its stayed almost the same just getting a little bigger over time. Its been filled as @EricL has suggested but its only a cosmetic fix.
The house has even changed hands with the crack existing so its not desperate times Just something that should be looked into sooner then later.
Hi @yixie,
While the rusting lintel could be part of the issue, cracking bricks is still a structural concern that you should have assessed by a suitably licenced person.
The main concern is that these bricks are supporting your roof. While it is somewhat unlikely that the roof is compromised, there is still potential that is not worth ignoring.
I'd suggest you speak with an engineer or licenced builder who specialises in brick construction for their assessment and plan for rectification.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Afternoon @yixie
Cracks in supporting walls I would always suggest a professional engineer or qualified builder. It is something I probarlly would NOT atempt myself.
Your lintel expanding could be the issue but fixing it still comes down to out of scope for most DIYers
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