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Recommended products to clean natural stone pavers?

Kind of a Big Deal

Recommended products to clean natural stone pavers?

Hi friends, I've just finished my timber feature fence in my pool area so it's time to give my natural stone pavers a solid clean before I give them the annual seal.


Does anyone have any particular products they recommend? TIA

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Instagram @at.home.rosehill @kayudesignco @aspirebamboo
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Re: Recommended products to clean natural stone pavers?

We recently put down sandblasted granite so I'm also keen to hear recommendations on what to use when it comes time to give them a clean. I had hoped that all I would need to do was hose them down but the grout is attracting some dirt, particularly as our garden isn't established yet. I think I need to invest in a pressure washer...



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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Recommended products to clean natural stone pavers?

Hot sun then a good rain does wonders for my pavers.
Pressure washers would do it too, just don't get too close with it.
Avoid chlorine if you are trying for a garden as well and acid is your last resort.
Former Community Member

Re: Recommended products to clean natural stone pavers?

G'day @ProjectPete, for sealing the pavers, I'd recommend messaging or phoning Ardex Australia Pty Ltd, they have an agency on WA, or you could head to 69 Vulcan Road, Canning Vale, WA 6155 to discuss your needs.

Hope it helps.

I've actually got my eye on some of their waterproofing, grouting & adhesive products, they look extremely promising.



Re: Recommended products to clean natural stone pavers?

Thanks @Andy_Mann, I've gpt the sealant sorted, just chasing the cleaning product but as always I'll revert to my good friends at Bunnings and go from there. Quick scrub this morning and we'll be good to go.

Handy and helpful
Instagram @at.home.rosehill @kayudesignco @aspirebamboo

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