I purchased this high chair second hand, however, it has been painted by the previous owner and the shelves are now stuck (painted in) - what is the best way to unstick them?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hello @hannah4
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us and thanks for sharing your question about your highchairs painted shelves.
I propose tyring out some baby oil to see if it will loosen the grip of the paint. Put one drop in each corner where the shelf is being held and let it settle for a moment. Use a timber mallet to shock it loose. If you are trying to prevent paint damage, put a tea towel on the edge of the shelf and tap in that section. Move the tea towel in different sections of the shelf to loosen the chairs grip. Please double check the sides of the chair to make sure the former owner did not use small bullet head nails to keep the shelf in place.
Let me call on our experienced members @JoeAzza, @Dave-1 and @Nailbag for their suggestions.
If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.
EVening @hannah4
Mmmmm Im going for a little more heavy handed approach and am suggesting a little bit of paint stripper Not a lot and not a paint and forget. But a targeted application along the painted joins. Wait the ten mins and then exert force to slowly wiggle the flat top out. You could always wipe the join with a rag to get rid of excess paint stripper as well as paint. Make sure you wear gloves a spaint stripper will eat your hands.
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