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How to fill gaps between wooden floorboards?

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How to fill gaps between wooden floorboards?


I would like to fill the gaps between the wooden floorboards in the picture to avoid food items from getting in between them.


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fill gaps between wooden floors?

Hi @ELI5,


You can use a wood filler such as the ones produced by Timbermate.


They come in a variety of colours, such as the ones you can see below.



Your flooring looks like either Walnut or Brush Box would be good options.


You'll want to remove the existing filler before adding new stuff. This can be done with a utility knife and a vacuum cleaner. Please ensure you wear gloves and long protective clothing when using the knife as there is always the risk of laceration when working with knives.


Once the existing filler has been removed, use a Plastic Scraper to push the new filler into the gaps.


Clean up with a slightly damp cloth.


Let me know what you think.




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