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DIY light fittings

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-18 at 1.19.30 PM.jpg

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-18 at 1.19.32 PM (2).jpeg WhatsApp Image 2022-02-18 at 11.14.11 AM.jpeg I am renovating a home and was thinking of low-cost DIY lighting ideas. Came up with the idea of using palm inflorescences  - I love the look, the renovation will be a biophilic design and it is free from my garden.

What do you think? 

Photos are just me trying with what I have at home :smile:

You can follow my renovation journey from my Instagram  

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-19 at 5.26.23 PM (2).jpeg

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Re: DIY light fittings

These look great, can't say I've seen anything like it! Would be interested to see how the lighting is at night :smile: 

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Re: DIY light fittings

Thank you so much! My DIY skills are rusted since my last reno but will definitely try. I love it too.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: DIY light fittings

Hello @Cocoplum


Thank you very much for sharing this very interesting design. Using the palm tree's inflorescences is a clever way of using this part of the tree that is often just put in the bin. Have you considered trimming it or cutting it into a particular shape? I'm sure the inflorescences will retain their general shape. 


Again thank you for sharing such an original light fitting design.




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Re: DIY light fittings

So glad you like it. Yes, I will try a few design options. shaping or colour changes. I have unlimited supply :smile:

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